Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Stalinism

«Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Stalinism»:

Our Current Strategy for the World Revolution


The present world of the 21st century is in a new form of confrontation between the USA and the cooperation of China and Russia. China and Russia, who oppose the military "ultra" imperialism of the USA, are nothing but a transformed form of the bankrupt Stalinism that manifested itself in the self-destruction of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1991.


The Stalinist bureaucracy has forced a policy of capitalisation in China in the name of "Reform and Opening up". The structure of the political economy of this state was thus transformed into state capitalism. Not only were state-owned enterprises transformed into joint-stock companies, but the buying and selling of land use rights was allowed, although the institution of "collective ownership" of land remained nominally in place. This had the effect of integrating the production processes of all sectors into the commodity and labour market (including the capital market) that had emerged in China on the basis of the introduction of foreign capital. All this meant that both the subjective and objective moments of the production processes in the enterprises, which were components of the planned economy under the Stalinist bureaucracy, acquired a definiteness as das Dasein des Kapitals (K. Marx); the state enterprises became into the state capital. The bureaucrats at the head of the state enterprises were transformed into capitalist "managers", while the workers became wage labourers selling their own labour power as a commodity. The Chinese state has thus changed its class character into a state that represents the interests of the capitalist class. The reason for this is that, first, the Communist Party, which is the substantial basis of the Chinese state, has adopted the ideology of «Three Represents» [1]and, second, the bureaucrats of factory management, who as party members are the constituents of this CP, have transformed their social existence into capitalist "managers".

This capitalist-transformed state have promoted the Primitive Accumulation of Capital by force. The peasants of the interior, no longer able to make a living from agriculture because of the failed agrarian policies of the Stalinist party bureaucracy, or suffering the privations of tax collection, flocked to the cities of the coastal regions. They were hired at low wages by "joint ventures" created by the influx of capital from the imperialist countries and other capitalist enterprises in Asia, and forced to work hard in "sweatshops". These migrant «Mingong» peasants numbered about 200 million. And the so-called "landless peasants" - about 500 million - were forcibly dispossessed of their land by the respective authorities so that the bureaucracy of the local administration = CP could move in and set up businesses. The "deals", such as the expropriation of land from the peasantry and the subsequent sale of the "right to use" this land, are carried out by the party bureaucrats of the local or national government: They are precisely die Personifizierung des Kapitals (Marx). These bureaucrats also use their positions to train their offspring and relatives to run private enterprises.

Today the Stalinist bureaucracy and its entourage have become the capitalist class. The core of this ruling class, whose interests the despotic Chinese state represents, consists of the dirty flesh and blood of the "Communist" Party: the person wearing the political lion's skin as a bureaucrat of the state apparatus and his family members. The bureaucracy of the party and the state apparatus itself is the leadership of this ruling class; with the ideology of the «socialist market economy» and the «scientific perspective of development», the political elite, embodying the Staatswille (F. Engels), integrates the workers and peasants under control.


In Russia, an authoritarian-military system of rule has been established, with the FSB (Federal Security Bureau) - the former KGB - as its substantial basis; we are able to see that this state represents the interests of the capitalist class because the structure of its political economy is state capitalism regulated by the FSB. A turning point in the transformation of the Soviet Union's Stalinist political economy into bureaucratic state capitalism was the events of 1990, when Mikhail Gorbachev became president of the USSR. It was then that the policy of "complete and accelerated transition to a regulated market economy" was put into practice. This was also the basis for the USSR's self-dissolution in 1991. It was during this period that our comrade Kan'ichi Kuroda (1927-2006) summed up the transformation of the Soviet Union as follows.

"The pluralism of forms of ownership of the means of production and the pluralisation of forms of enterprise based on it not only has the effect of transforming the managers of existing enterprises - except in the case of "individual labour" - into capitalist managers. The members of the labour collective also become mere wage labourers. The "labour contract" between management and collectives in the bureaucratic state of Stalinism is transformed into an employer-worker relationship. It is the relationship between the capitalist managers or bureaucratic capitalists and the wage labourers they employ; a labour market is created here in the factory. "[2]

"The state funds of the Stalinist state, whether they are private or collective property by lease, private or collective property by purchase or property by shares, are today being dissolved and transformed into self-reproducing values which have been given a new form of definition as "capital". The means of production, whether they are owned by private small managers, labour collectives like "Корпорация", joint-stock companies or state enterprises like the military-industrial complex, are now »das Dasein des Kapitals« (K. Marx). And the means of production as the »Dasein des Kapitals« presuppose private producers or labour collectives using these means of production. With the exception of small producers as subjects who rent or buy the means of production, workers as individual bearers of labour collectives, who are not subjects of production enterprises, are transformed into wage labourers who have to sell their own labour power as a commodity.

On the other hand, in contrast to the labour collectives made up of wage labourers, the department headed by the factory manager is transformed into a capitalist manager or bureaucratic capitalist, who is the "personification" of the capitalist means of production.[3]"

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Boris Yeltsin's assumption of the presidency in the new Russia, he implemented a policy of capitalisation aimed at the "privatisation of state enterprises" oriented towards the neoliberal policies of Western imperialism. This not only enabled the emerging new bourgeoisie, in collaboration with bureaucrats, the mafia and foreign capital, to rob state property and grow rapidly, but at the same time led to the collapse of the Russian economy. It was Putin who advocated a "state-controlled market economy" to overcome this crisis. He suppressed the oligarchs who opposed him and put former KGB employees in charge of key enterprises that had been restructured into state enterprises, with whom he built a new system of rule.


Along with the transformation of China and Russia, which we have been talking about so far, the political-economic structure of the Western imperialist countries has also changed; what has changed is the state monopoly capitalism, which is the political economy of modern imperialism. The external factor was the self-dissolution of the USSR and the transformation of the political economy of the Eastern countries; and the internal factor was the imposition of neo-liberal policies and the suppression of the class struggle. The basis for this was the establishment of the neo-fascist system of rule in the imperialist countries at the beginning of the 1980s.

The rationalisation of the immediate processes of production and the reduction of administrative staff through the elimination of unprofitable departments in the name of "restructuring", the transformation of labour relations and forms of work, the drastic cuts in wages and the dismantling of the trade unions, which are condemned as "patronage groups". All this has led to a constant hierarchical differentiation of the working class into low-income groups and the emergence of a large number of extremely poor people.

The various trade unions, led by Stalinists, social democrats or labour aristocrats, were either smashed or integrated into the capitalist business apparatus. The working class in general has been driven into hard labour and poverty. The monopoly capitals use the computer system to adapt their products to the market tendencies in terms of different services and forms, quantity and time of production. In other words, they are incapable of realising significant technological innovations other than information and communication technologies. This is why the monopolies try to avoid exposing the excesses of capital by ensuring that the amount of labour necessary to expand production is covered by forcing workers to work excessive hours and extra-intensive work and by deeply undercutting wages. Today's state monopoly capitalism is thus a bank, tattered on the inside and hardened only on the surface. American casino capitalism is nothing more than a barren flower that has bloomed there.


On the basis of the above consideration, the universal task of the proletariat of the whole world can be formulated as follows: we have to defeat both the imperialist powers in the West (the state powers of all countries belonging to the imperialist camp) and the state powers of China, Russia and the other countries that formed the Soviet bloc in the East. In order to realise this universal demand, it is necessary to uncover the reasons for the bankruptcy of Stalinism and thus the problematic of Stalinism itself; a presupposition is the elaboration of a theoretical content that will be able to overcome Stalinism for the purpose of ideologically and organisationally arming the world proletariat. The current strategy of the world proletariat for the revolution must be «Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Stalinism»; this strategy, whose material basis is nothing other than the present world after the self-dissolution of the USSR, is originally based on the essential theory that had been clarified in the times of the "Cold War" between the imperialist and Stalinist blocs. Therefore, the present content of the strategy «Anti-imperialism, Anti-Stalinism» should be understood as a part of the theories on the actual form of the objective reality, in comparison with the essential theory of the world revolution that was built in the past.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 ushered in a transitional phase towards world revolution. However, the isolation of revolutionary Russia, its economic backwardness, the failure of the European revolution and the resulting delay in world revolution was the material basis for Stalinism. Stalinism, whose ideological core is the thesis of "socialism in one country", decisively transformed the established workers state and its political economy. With his ideology of "socialism in one country", Stalin made the defence of the Soviet Union an end in itself. This Stalinist transformation of revolutionary Russia led to the Soviet-centred system. Its outcomes were: Destruction of internationalism, Stalinist alienation of the Communist International, subordination of the class struggles of the countries to the defence of Soviet "socialism in one country", betrayal and defeat of the revolutionary struggle in the capitalist countries through irritating zigzag strategies and tactics. All this blocked the possibility of spreading the revolution achieved in Russia throughout the world.

The bureaucratic planned economy of the USSR and the countries of the Soviet bloc, built on the ideological basis of "socialism in one country", accumulated internal contradictions and finally collapsed after repeated provisional attempts at repair. This is precisely the basis for the self-dissolution of the USSR and the collapse of the Soviet bloc. We revolutionary Marxists must therefore engage in a comprehensive analysis of economic development in the USSR from 1917 to 1991; it is essential to thoroughly expose the problems and errors of the Soviet planned economy under the Stalinist bureaucracy. Without this, i.e. without uncovering the reasons for the bankruptcy of Stalinism from its roots, it is not possible to understand how the economic construction of societies in transition to communist society (including both the first and second phases) should be carried out. Without this, it is completely impossible to organise the world proletariat, especially the people of the former Soviet bloc, who were degraded to "free" workers - in both senses of the word - in 1991, as a revolutionary class.

Not only the bureaucracy in today's China, whose transformed "communist" party oppresses the working class, but also the state rulers in Russia, whose authoritarian-military ruling system is based on the FSB as its substantial forces, and the former Stalinists in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, blame the failure of the economy in the Soviet bloc not on the fallacy of Stalinist bureaucratic planning, but on the planned economy itself. They carried out a policy of capitalisation, claiming that it was a "socialist market economy" or a "state-controlled market economy", and by implementing this policy they created their own political economy and states as peculiar. In the countries of the former Soviet bloc, their state power and political economy as its material basis were formed in the present structures because the ruling class, as former Stalinists, blamed the failure of the bureaucratic state-planned economy on Marx's theory of communist society itself and saw the "market economy" as a magic wand for economic renewal. Just as in the East, the Stalinists in the Western imperialist countries have converted to make modified capitalism their basic course. This is precisely why it is necessary to expose the fallacy of the planned economy under the Stalinist bureaucracy at its roots and, at the same time, to clarify how to promote the economic construction of society in the period of transition to socialism from the perspective of political economy and the theory of praxis.


In the Western and other capitalist countries where the imperialist bloc was formed, the Stalinists have converted to a position of improving capitalism and exist as a party of converted Stalinists, further distorting the class struggle to the line of revisionism. Therefore, in order to defeat the state power in each country, it is necessary for the revolutionary proletariat to constantly develop the class struggle in such a way as to overcome this distortion by the Stalinists and, through the promotion of the ideological-organisational struggle, to expose the problems of Stalinism itself, which is the basis for their conversion to reformism, to break their party revolutionarily and to found and consolidate an anti-Stalinist vanguard party. The revolutionary struggle for the defeat of the state power is to be carried out on the substantial basis of this vanguard party and the revolutionary united front, which is formed under the leadership of the vanguard party and under the hegemony of the proletariat. It goes without saying that this struggle is based on proletarian internationalism. The strategies for the revolution in each country, the organising tactics and the individual tactics should be formulated as a concrete application of the world revolutionary strategy of «Anti-imperialism, Anti-Stalinism», on the basis of the following questions: the definition of the nature of state power in each country, the analysis of the particularities of the respective political and economic structures, the analysis of class relations and class struggle in terms of revolutionary theory, etc. In order to clarify the concrete, individual content of the struggle = organising tactics for the continuing class struggle, and in order to clarify the guidelines of the revolutionary struggle itself - the structure of the subjective promotion of the revolutionary struggle can be considered from the standpoint of the theory of revolutionary struggle -, it is necessary to apply the world revolutionary strategy of «Anti-imperialism, Anti-Stalinism» into praxis.

At the same time, «Anti-imperialism, Anti-Stalinism» as a strategy for the world revolution must also be practically applied to show the guidelines for the revolutionary struggles in the countries that formed the Soviet bloc. In order to defeat the ruling classes of China, Russia and the former Eastern bloc countries, we must clarify the revolutionary strategy, organisational tactics and tactics of these countries on the basis of a concrete analysis of their state powers.

The modern proletariat in China is shaped by the process of fundamental accumulation of capital, which has been forcibly advanced by the despotic state of the Stalinist bureaucracy. In order to defeat the despotic power that has been established on the substantial basis of the transformed Chinese Communist Party, the workers and peasants must frontally confront their domination, oppression and exploitation and resolutely advance the class struggle against the bureaucrats of the party-state, the local party-administration, the capitalist management of state-owned enterprises or the capitalists of private enterprises, etc. At the same time, in the midst of this class struggle, the Chinese proletariat must expose the problematic nature of bankrupt Stalinism itself, which is the deepest ground for the transformation of the party and the state. We must encourage the Chinese working class to carry forward the ideological and organisational struggle to deconstruct this party and thereby create and establish an anti-Stalinist vanguard party. This vanguard party will have to form a world party on the basis of international solidarity with the proletariat fighting in the imperialist countries. On the basis of this vanguard party, the revolutionary left has to organise the proletariat as a class and rally the peasants to form a soviet. The subjectivity of the revolutionary struggle to defeat state power is none other than this soviet.

In order to defeat the Russian state power in the form of a military ruling system with the FSB as its substantive basis - which represents the interests of the capitalist class and whose centres are the converted sections of the Stalinist bureaucracy - the proletariat in Russia must launch a class struggle against this violent state rule and its exploitation under state capitalism. The precondition for the promotion of this class struggle is to expose exhaustively that it was Stalinism that distorted and transformed revolutionary Russia and turned to counterrevolution, and to organise the contents that can overcome Stalinism, thus creating an anti-Stalinist vanguard party. This should be achieved in the process of class struggle and demonstrated in the results of its promotion. Under the leadership of this vanguard party, the working people of Russia should re-organise the soviets, which had been disfigured and destroyed by the Stalinist bureaucracy, in their true form and on new horizons. The power of the proletarian dictatorship can be established on the material basis of these soviets.

In the countries of former Eastern Europe (and also in the countries which, together with Russia, formed the former Soviet bloc), the political forces which have been in power have basically been either: On the one hand, parties of former Stalinists who have been transformed into the capitalist class which rules the people; or, where there is a section of the capitalist class which is linked to the monopoly capitalists of the Western imperialist countries, parties which represent these interests on the other hand. The strategies, the organisational tactics and the tactics for the revolution in each country must be clarified on the basis of the analysis of the essential and substantial content of the state power in each region; these should be unified with the application of the revolutionary strategy of «Anti-imperialism, Anti-Stalinism».

Indeed, our current strategy for the world revolution, «Anti-imperialism, Anti-Stalinism», exactly as comrade Kan'ichi Kuroda once stated in 1968, "must be carried out permanently on the ground of proletarian internationalism, which forms the subjective-organisational basis" - now both within the countries that formed the imperialist bloc and within the former Soviet bloc.

Early 2008.






















 まさに、われわれの現段階における〈反帝国主義・反スターリニズム〉世界革命戦略は、帝国主義陣営を形成していた諸国の内部でも、また旧ソ連圏の内部でも、「プロレタリア・インターナショナリズムを主体的および組織的根拠として、永続的に完遂されなければならない。」(黒田寛一『日本の反スターリン主義運動 2 』こぶし書房、一九六八年刊、二六八頁。――本書の「〈反帝・反スターリニズム〉戦略の必然性とその構造」参照)



[1] According to the idea of "three representations" ratified at the 16th Party Congress in 2002, the Chinese Communist Party should represent: the development trend of China's advanced productive forces, the orientation of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.

[2] 黒田寛一『死滅するソ連邦』、こぶし書房、一九九一年、三二八頁。(Kan'ich Kuroda, The dying Soviet Union (Japanese), Kobushi-Shobo Tokio 1991, p328.)

[3] 同書、三三三―三三四頁。(Loc.cit. pp333-334.)